Ideal ways to add video in email

Videos have long been a mode of infotainment. People have watched thousands of videos across various video platforms. If you are owning a firm or holding a business of any sort and in thought of how to utilize videos in emails, then this is the right place to be. Every other day businesses send emails to their clients and customers. But, there is always a way to make the boring emails more click worthy.

To turn any boring email into interesting and entertaining one just adding a video will spice up a lot. Videos with emails adds better subscriber base. According to various marketing sources adding a video the sales boots up by 300%.

But before practicing to use videos in email there are some proper ways to do it. Thus, following the best pattern of using videos in email for better engagement will increase in number of subscription. One should always remember that videos in emails can increase open rate to a lot more.

Add “video” word in email subject

When a company creates a video for email marketing they are of the view that the mails would be opened and watch but to a marketer’s surprise majority of the time the mails failed to get clicked. For this reason it is advisable to add the word ‘video’ in the subject of the email. This highlights about the content and also gives them some interesting thing to try on. It has been surveyed when video is added in an email without being highlighted in the subjects gets opened only 7 times as to videos with highlighted in subject open rate is 20%.

Embedding a video in email

It’s actually not a hard work for the dedicated email subscribers to watch the email videos. But this process involves clicking a link from the email and getting to a landing page where they would click on the player to watch the video. This process is time consuming and many would skip out of it, but if the video is embedded with the email it would be way much entertaining to click and view and get purpose served. This process is used by many marketing firms where they embedded a video in email for better visibility. Often even in thumbnail from the video player platform is used to highlight it as video template and not an image template.

Use an attractive thumbnail

With video being subject line and embedded form of video in email there are chances that the video will not be clicked. This is the very reason that good video in an email must have a thumbnail that would be encourage people to click on the ’play’ button. So, we can summarize that the image and text must be attractive to the subscribers to click the video.  

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